Genshin Impact Tier List: Top Characters for Your Team

When it comes to building a strong team in Genshin Impact, choosing the right characters is key. This Genshin tier list categorizes characters based on their effectiveness in battle, focusing on their damage output, utility, and overall versatility. While objective factors like stats and skills are important, the best choice for you also depends on your playstyle and team composition.

S-Tier: The Top Performers

S-tier characters are the most powerful and versatile in the game, excelling in both damage and utility. These characters can fit into almost any team and perform exceptionally well in various roles. For instance, Hu Tao’s Pyro damage is unparalleled, while Kazuha’s crowd control and elemental damage boost make him a valuable asset to any team. These characters often form the backbone of the strongest teams and are highly sought after.

A-Tier: The Reliable All-Rounders

A-tier characters are strong performers with specific strengths. Although they might not be as versatile as S-tier characters, they excel in their roles and can be pivotal in the right team composition. Characters like Fischl, with her consistent Electro damage, and Kaeya, with his reliable Cryo application, offer significant utility and can complement other team members effectively. These characters are strong choices for players looking to build a balanced team.

B-Tier: The Solid Supporters

B-tier characters are dependable but might not be as potent or versatile as those in higher tiers. They often excel in specific roles, like healing or support, but their damage output might be limited. For example, Noelle is a strong healer and can deal decent damage with her Elemental Burst, but she requires a high level of investment to reach her full potential. These characters can be effective in the right situations and work well with higher-tier characters.

C-Tier: The Situational Picks

C-tier characters have noticeable weaknesses or require significant investment to be viable. They may perform well in specific scenarios but generally aren’t recommended for broader team compositions. For example, Xinyan can be a solid shield generator and physical damage dealer, but her skills may not always align with the game’s meta. However, these characters can still be useful for players who enjoy experimenting with unique team setups or focusing on niche strategies.

This Genshin  tier list is intended to guide players in choosing characters for their teams based on their strengths and versatility. Ultimately, the best team is the one that suits your playstyle and allows you to enjoy the game. Feel free to mix and match characters to find combinations that work for you, and most importantly, have fun exploring the world of Teyvat!